Friday, February 25, 2011

Burning mississippi

I think what the movie is telling us about is that how racism affected countries like USA and how bad it was. The movie tells us why the white people hated the black people and that why the did so many things just to get rid of them. I think racism is a very bad practise for anyone on earth as we all live in the same world and that we must compromise with each other in order to live peacefully. I believe that everyone in the world is equal no matter what skin colour or whatsoever as we are all in one earth and that we should not and we do not even have the rights to harm another race just because they are black. Burning mississippi is a movie that let us think about why racism was done that much during then and also somehow is telling us the consequences of racism and why did people do it just for the sake of different skin colour.


  1. I totally agree with what you said. Because of the KKK, many black people had died. I do not really understand why they think that they are higher of a rank than black people and why not underwise. Actually, I pity the blacks killed as they are totally innocent. They are just normal people living in a small town. Why kill them, just because you cannot stand the colour of black. I hoped similar cases of racisms will not occur again as it is very terrible and cruel.

  2. Maybe its because people there had a general impression that blacks always tell lies , etc ( like in to kill a mockingbird). So they want to show blacks who were in power. But in actual fact, the blacks were very honest and so pitiful that they don't even dare to speak up for themselves.

  3. I agree with you. Seriously, how would you like it if a negro randomly goes into your room one day and says,"Hi, I'm gonna kill you cos you're a Chinese. Say goodbye to your parents." And off you go to heaven. You wouldn't want that happening to you, would you.

  4. Jin Hui i think the whites were just finding excuses in the movie just to kill the blacks as the whites just did not like the race and colour of the negros
