Sunday, March 6, 2011

Upcoming competition

The season for sport competitions have arrived and mine is only a week away. It is the National Junior Canoeing Championships and it shows you where you are standing amidst all the schools as most schools will participate in it, it is not the official competitions for school agaisnt schools but it is still very important. I am racing with 5 other people but only one(I think) is strong. The strong person is from ACSI and I literally do not have a chance against winning him. I have checked up on the four others and I think personally think I can win them and go into finals as they are weaker than me (in my opinion). My seniors told me not to be complacent but i am actually just predicting on whether I can get into finals or not. I still have a week to train for this competition and I believe that if I try to train very hard this week and not idle during training, I should be able to cut my 500 meters timing by a few seconds and it might help me alot in the competition this week. I hope I am able to get into finals without going to semi-finals, I guess I might need alot and alot of luck!

Mubarak's Stepdown

I feel that mubarak's stepdown in egypt was a necessity as Mubarak had been in power in egypt for an extremely long time, when he was in power, the people of egypt had poor living standards as the government was extremely corrupted  and spent little or no money improving the welfare of its citizens. However, Mubarak's leave caused several riots i nthe world, asking their leaders to step down, as they would be thinking"Since they can riot until the leader step down, why cant we?", that caused the outbreak of many riots asking their leaders to step down, including the current and most up to date one on Libya. Libya's situation however, was much worse than egypt's one as the anti-government protestors used fire powers including machine trying to overthrow the current libyan government. I believe that the leaders, if they know that they are corrupted, and after eating the taxpayer's money for so long, they should already have their full on getting money and should just step down for the country to proceed further, it is literally a robbing of money from the taxpayers as their money is not earnt the correct way.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Term 1

I felt that for Term 1 LA, I did not study hard enough for the test and did not follow the writing tips given by Ms Huang. I felt that I could do much more for my LA exam as I did not read, read tips, or even revise on good description prior to the exam. Although I was sick and that gave headache during the exam, I felt that I could have done much better if I was more hard working on the whole. For overall performance, I felt that my weaker subjects like Math and Chinese has improved tremendously from last year and my science and LA deproved. I think I did not pay enough attention during class for science and that led to my downfall for science, I could have revised more about atoms and that would easily boost me a few more grades. i have not gotten bake my IH results but it seems to me that the whole class did extremely badly for it as Ms Yeo pointed it out during class today, I just hope that I can get decent results as it is my strongest subject and I did studied quite alot for it

Anyone who is guilty and watch this and does nothing

In public transports, in MRTs, I have seen alot of situations where old men and women board the bus and do not get a seat. In mrts, alot of people pretend to be asleep just so they do not get ranted at by the commuters to give up their seat. It is very obvious that they are just pretending to sleep as their eyes peer open once in a while, checking whether there were any old people are around. The next time I get a seat in an MRT or bus, I will not hesitate to give it up to an old folk when he/she gets up the public transport

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Racism in my life

My mother was born in malaysia and every once in a while in the school holidays, we go back to malaysia to visit some of her relatives. Racism is not so evident in Singapore as the government's move of racial harmony has worked well. Whereas in malaysia, racism is even supported by the government there. The government give priority to malays in everything in Malaysia. In order for a chinese to get into a top university in Malaysia, they have to be the cream of the crop whereas malays can just stride in without any good grades at all. Although the government is clearly giving alot of priority to the malays, they still complain that the chinese are still having the edge over them and the government helps them more. This kind of racism will bring malaysia down as malaysia will not be able to cultivate smart people to help malaysia and her economy. If racism like this continues, Malaysia will not be able to progress much. Even in the government, racism is evident. In some political parties, they only allow malays to join in to their parties and not allow any of the chinese take any cabinet position.
All in all I think the government should act like singapore and give equality to all races.

Cross country

Before the day of cross country, I was extremely enthusiastic about the event, in order to save up energy for it, I drank recovery drinks after my training on tuesday so that I would have enough energy. All my canoeing friends were also excited about it and they were also aiming to get at least top 20 places. I, was not quite confident myself about what placing I would get as i thought there were alot of people in the level that could beat me. Thus I was only aiming to get top 20 or even worse. On cross country day, I drank half a can of red bull to fuel my run as I didn't have breakfast. At the starting line, I was extremely nervous, there were alot of competitors whom i thought would easily win me. The horn blew, all the competitors starting running. There were alot of runners who ran extremely fast at the start- actually most of the runners. As I reached the clock tower, my friends told me that I was one of the last of the competitive group. Then, I gave up hopes of getting Top 20 but continued to push on at that pace. after doing about 2.4km, I caught up to quite a number of people but thought that I still was not doing well enough for Top 20. I could feel my pace get a little faster each time and my stamina gave me the edge over other competitors. As I was reaching the final 400meters, I saw my canoeing captain about 200meters, i tried to chase him by sprinting, as I reached the 100 meter mark, he finished but I continued to sprint, trying to clock my best timing. Competitive runners had a card that indicated their class and register number, once we passed it to the teacher, we got our placing. Once I passed the finishing line, I handed over the card to the teacher and got the Top 50 keychain, I didnt expect to get another card but a person passed me this card which said "Sec 2 6th" I was surprised as I thought many people were in front of me. I was extremely elated and tired as I pushed very hard during the run. It was a gruelling run but it was extremely worth it, I had improved from 55th position to 6th position which was a 49 position improve from last year. My timing was 14:48 for 3.6km and I think that it was a good timing as my fastest 2.4 then was only 10:30. i think the key to winning races is mental stamina and endurance as your mind is only one not tired at all during a race.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Billie Holiday's song: Strange Fruit

Southern trees bear strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black body swinging in the Southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.
Pastoral scene of the gallant South,
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,
Scent of magnolia sweet and fresh,
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh!
Here is fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for the tree to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter crop.


I think the message that Billie holiday is trying to convey is how the Black people were treated in the south and shows how they got lynched by the whites just so that they were Black. Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees would have meant that the strange fruit were black dead bodies as the whites killed the blacks by hanging the bodies on trees. Pastoral scene of the gallant south is some what an irony as in the south, discrimination was extremely severe and the whole scene of the whites lynching blacks was totally not a gallant act. "Scent of magnolia sweet and fresh, then the sudden smell of burning flesh" is that Billie wants to show the audience how jarring it is as suddenly from fresh and pretty flowers come burnt corpses and Black negro's dying. I think all in all strange fruit/crop basically meant that it was the black people's bodies as crows eat dead bodies and not fruits so that "fruit" should be referring to the dead bodies of the Blacks who were lynched by the whites.


Prejudice is a form of bias that occurs all around the same. e.g. A student made a bad first imrepssion on a teacher. Now, the teacher always find faults in that particular student just because he/she has made a bad first impression. i think prejudice happens i nthe natural state of a human's mind as one usually rely on their own knowledge of that particular person to judge whether he or she is a good/bad person. I think prejudice is based on one's own mind on how to judge people. Some people like to give others another chance and will not judge the person based on first impression and thus will not be prejudiced agaisnt that person, whereas unforgiving people will think that the first impression is all that matters and that if you are bad, you are bad and if you are good, you are good. That is how i think prejudice works and what it is about.


I think that a compromise is a mutual consent between two parties, causing them to reach a concession where both parties are happy. I believe a compromise is when both parties give in to each other and not one party sacrifises everything he has-that is not a compromise. A negatiation to compromise happens when both parties are unhappy or dissatisfied at that certain thing which concerns both of the parties and it affects both of them thus both parties try to reach a concession and a compromise. i believe that if the whole world tries to compromise with each other and not be selfish, the world can become a much better place as people will be willing to give and take which I think is the essence of compromisation. Although that will never ever happen to the world, we can start doing it in classes so that less quarrels will happen and in general students will be happy as nothing as bad as not compromising will happen to them.