Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Prejudice is a form of bias that occurs all around the same. e.g. A student made a bad first imrepssion on a teacher. Now, the teacher always find faults in that particular student just because he/she has made a bad first impression. i think prejudice happens i nthe natural state of a human's mind as one usually rely on their own knowledge of that particular person to judge whether he or she is a good/bad person. I think prejudice is based on one's own mind on how to judge people. Some people like to give others another chance and will not judge the person based on first impression and thus will not be prejudiced agaisnt that person, whereas unforgiving people will think that the first impression is all that matters and that if you are bad, you are bad and if you are good, you are good. That is how i think prejudice works and what it is about.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that is what I think too. Prejudice is usually formed through a person's first impression, and how the other person acts and behaves, maybe even his appearance. For example, think of your impression of Shao Xuan when you first saw him. (He didn't look very smart to me.) No offence!
